Date: from 17th to 20th May 2024
Position: Singapore EPL
Bearing carrier of rudder was informed overhaul worn down from CE of MT PVT SYNERGY.
MTB got the order from ship owner to quick respond to avoid serious damage for rudder.
- MTB quick checked drwg and fabricated with new bearing carrier ready at Viet Nam
- Arrange formalites at Singapore with agent and sub vendor workshop at Singapore
- MTB Engineering asigned engineers together with sub vendor workshop at Singapore to attend the vessel.
- Arrange for Gas Free for vessel by agent before doing the job...
- Made stagging and 30 tons chain block and other haging equipment to pull up and hanging the rudder at out side
- Pulled up and hanged rudder at in side
- Took out completed set of rudder hydraulic control set
- Took out Tiller of Rudder (hard job due to stuck)
- Took out bearing Carrier
- Renewed bearing carrier
- Complete check clearances
- Found crack area around bearing carrier and rewelding under survey of Singapore DNV Class
- Final install, running test and delivery.
- Poor maintenance bearing carrier: not grease up for bearing frequently
- Not operate Hyd Steering Gear when ship in anchor condition.
- Not check bearing clearance at each time of docking.