Project: Fuel Injection Pump
Vessel: MV Tay Son 4
Customer: Viet Nam Maritime Coporation
Working place: Vietnam
Completion time: 2 days (from 5th to 6th March 2024)
Service type: Normal
Done by: MTB engineer Team
Overhauling in-line Fuel Injection Pump (FIP)
We well understand that Diesel injection pumps play a critical role in maintaining the operability and efficiency of diesel engines used in various applications, many trouble may occurred due to poor maintenance. There are many type of Fuel Injection Pump (FIP): Bosh, Vane, with VIT type, separated pump type, in -line complete fuel pump type…
MTB received shipowner’s request and accepted to overhaul in-line FIP (completed type) of MV Tay Son 4 of Viet Nam Maritime Corporation (VIMC).
Our engineer team was set to work overhauling FIP from 5th to 6th March 13, 2024
We carry out the inspection of FIP and its Governor to assess FIP Condition before starting work.
FIP fully were dissemblied following the manufacturer's guidelines.
Then, we overhauled both FIP and its Governor, cleaned each component thoroughly using a suitable solvent to remove any buildup of dirt, rust or fuel deposits that may affect its operation in an industrial environment.
After overhauling, we proceeded to assemble the injection pump following the manufacturer's instructions.
The completed fuel pump then was tested on special bench of MTB and calibrated to ensure it delivered the proper amount of fuel to the cylinders in the industrial environment.
With our new test bench, the fuel injection pump ensure no leaking, pressure in good range, equal timming of each cylinder, same injection quality at each cylinder.
Governor also was checked with speed droop, stability and timming to satisfy work with FIP in parallel.
For any need to overhaul or rectify trouble of Fuel Injection Pump of Diesel Engine, kindly contact us 24/7.