Service consulting hotline: +84.938.247.666
T2 - T7 8h00 - 17h30

Marine Engineering Training & Manpower Supply

MTB Technical Services Co., Ltd was established by a group of lecturers of Vietnam Maritime University, including Lecturers, Chief engineers, Electric Officers, who have worked in engine industry field, served as chief engineer on board domestic and foreign ship for many years. 

MTB always make intensive training for Marine Engineering Officers, Mechanic workers, specialized English, interviews, specialized machine translation English / Vietnamese / Russian / Korean / Japanese. Our Man Power after training and practicing are ready to support  all types of ship & factories. We will always try, constantly improve and develop to provide our customers with the best quality, efficient and cost-effective services.

•      Guideline for Engineer regarding knowledge about management, troubleshooting ability on board 

 •      Teaching specialized Marine Engineering English 

 •      Supplying Man Power for job at Power Plant, ship trial, commissioning… 

 •      Translating English, Russia, Japan, Korea, Viet Nam

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